by Sarah Flores
As we all know, being involved in mutually transforming relationships with students can sometimes be challenging. There are seasons when we may wonder what in the world we are doing and if any real change is occurring. It can be hard and discouraging. But then the Lord in his goodness and grace, often gives of glimpses of the beautiful ways He’s at work, not only in students’ lives but in our own lives.
Several weeks ago, Sam and I had the privilege of traveling to Atlanta, Georgia for a dear friend’s wedding. And if getting to go to a wedding isn’t enough to make a girl happy, well just add in the fact that we got to take the groom’s mentee with us…talk about a fun adventure!! We have known Wilmer for years as Sam and I mentor his brother Eric and sister Amy, so it was our great joy to have him as our traveling partner. Although I must confess, I did have a few concerns about how Wilmer would respond to so many new things like flying on an airplane, wearing a tux, and interacting with lots of people he did not know.

Well, let me just say that I was humbled and amazed with Wilmer’s maturity and obvious love for his mentor and the Lord. We arrived in Atlanta for the wedding, and immediately he jumped right in and had a blast. Highlights of the weekend included skeet shooting and golf cart driving on the property as well as hanging out with his mentor’s family before the wedding. But I would say our highlight of having Wilmer with us was seeing him volunteer to get up and share at the rehearsal dinner. He was nervous. Who isn’t nervous when getting up to speak at a special occasion? But he wanted to, and Sam went up to the front with him.
Wilmer took the microphone, introduced himself and thanked his mentor. He thanked him for being like the father he never had. And in raw, manly transparency, he cried…and it was beautiful! Many were so touched by Wilmer’s words and emotions.
I was so grateful to see this 15-year-old young man share his heart, and then I felt so thankful for the impact that Mercy Street is making in the lives of young people in West Dallas. I was thankful that the Lord has provided mentors, Bible study leaders, and amazing leadership and staff that are committed to many students just like Wilmer. And the Lord is working. He’s teaching them about what it means to be a godly man or woman. He’s teaching them respect for others and how to communicate it. He’s teaching them about His great love for them. And on our last day in Atlanta, after a beautiful wedding of two believers, we got to talk about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and my heart was joyful and thankful because I know that one day I will get to be at the grandest celebration of all, and Wilmer will be there too!