Dear Mr.Trey Hill & Entire Mercy
Street Family,
Today (May 5, 2017) I will be graduating from
Alabama A&M University with a degree in Logistics and Supply Chain
Management. As I think about that, I think of my childhood and what got me where
I am today. I met Mrs. Jacque Lacy (Elementary Mentor Coordinator) and Mr. Trey
Hill I believe in 2005 when I was in the fourth grade. Mrs. Lacy and I grew to
have a bond as if we were family over the years. She introduced/matched me with
my mentor Mr. Joe Neely that year. Mr. Neely has been nothing short of a second
dad to me, from taking me out to different places I’ve never been as a kid, to
taking me to church and having Godly talks with me as I grew older. If I need
any advice dealing with anything, I know I can count on him. Mr. Neely along
with my family, are here today to see me walk across the stage this evening!

Mercy Street was literally one of my favorite
places as a kid. I knew that I was going to have fun and see so many of my
friends no matter the occasion there. Being a kid from West Dallas I didn’t travel
much. Mercy Street gave me the opportunity to attend Christian summer camps
over the years and really showed me that life could be more than just what I
see every day. They introduced to me to a plethora of different people and left
me desiring to want to see other places in the world. I was extremely blessed to
be one of six students chosen to go to Senegal West Africa on a mission trip to
share the gospel to the villages. That was my first time out the country but
definitely won’t be my last.
Thanks so much Mr.Trey for just pouring God
into my heart over the years and helping me better myself as a person and grow
into a young man. I will never forget this and will hope to repay these things
to some younger kids in my future.
: Antonio T.O. Carey