Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Not Just Another Monday...

After being ultra-oriented, the Summer Leadership Institute is finally up and running.  Yesterday marked the first day of a "normal" week with the Junior Interns.

It started out with breakfast, crazy games, and fellowship with the youth of Bethel Bible Church.  They have come to serve and grow alongside us this week.

Then off to my favorite time of the day: Quiet and Small Group Time.  This summer we are going through N.T. Wright's Matthew study.  Tuesday's passage, Matthew 6, repeats "your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you," (Matthew 6: 4,6, and 18) in reference to giving, praying, and fasting.  The sweet girls in my small group seemed to really have understanding of this concept.  We discussed how the ways we serve and the things we do for the Lord, should be done For the LORD.  We do not serve so people will see us as great or really Godly, but we should serve because God deserves the glory.  Which was a great segway into our after lunch activity.

Service projects: Every Monday, the future-leaders of West D split up into groups of about 5 to serve at various locations around the community.  Voice of Hope, an out-of-school time program, allowed some of the interns to come and put on a skit and do crafts with the children participating in their summer program.  At Brother Bill's Helping Hand, another group got to stack and organize food for their Grocery Store.  Another group was able to help Readers 2 Leaders Label and re-cover books for their library.  Lastly, H.I.S. BridgeBuilders allowed a group to come and sanitize the toys for their church's nursery.  You can find more information about these organizations below! 

Voice of Hope:     http://voiceofhope.org/
Brother Bill's Helping Hand:  http://www.bbhh.org/
Readers 2 Leaders:   http://www.readers2leaders.org/
H.I.S. BridgeBuilders:    http://hisbridgebuilders.org/

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