Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Beginnings of a Future Story

Kevin wants to be a policeman, however like most kids he needs to take school a little more seriously.

My nephew Aaron is a police office at Mesquite Police Department and we joined him at the opening of his shift a few Saturdays ago...

Aaron explained what it takes to become a police officer including school and college requirements.

We started by touring through police headquarters, this included observing the 911 department and meeting some of the 911 and dispatch agents.  They explained the technology of the equipment they use to receive calls and how that ultimately ends up at a police car in the city.  They also showed us how they map all the police cars in the city and can track their whereabouts.  Then we toured the locker rooms and showers, weight rooms and police work stations where reports are prepared.  The inside tour concluded with sitting in on the shift debriefing where the shift commander debriefs the police officers on things to be aware of and suspect profiles.  After that we participated in the pre-checks of the police car and equipment.  This included checking lights and sirens, logging onto the in-car computer and set up, and weapon checks.

It was a lot of fun, and both Kevin and I enjoyed it.  

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives growth." 1 Corinthians 3:7

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