Thursday, June 5, 2014

Drumroll…. Introducing the 2014 Senior Interns!

(Not pictured: Laura, Rachel, and Tim)

Drew Salada
My name is Drew Salada, and I am a twenty year-old college student at Texas A&M University.  I was born and raised in Michigan, but I loved Texas so much that I had to come for school!  This summer at Mercy Street, I will specifically be the service coordinator, responsible for overseeing the Wednesday service days at various local non-profits and ministries.  I’m so excited for what God has in store for everyone at Mercy Street, and I’m happy that we’re getting going!

Taylor Hatfield
Hi! I'm Taylor Hatfield, a recent graduate of Texas A&M University - Whoop! I studied Marketing and Non-profit management and am hoping to work with young women in discipleship. I am a born and raised Texan and grew up in The Woodlands. So as I enter into this summer in West Dallas I am super excited to be exposed to the community and lifestyle here, which is quite different from the background I grew up in. I will be the administrative assistant this summer and handling all the grimy behind the scene details which I am actually quite excited about! I also cannot wait to dive into the lives of the families and students here in West Dallas and to be so deeply involved in discipleship and in living life with our students. We are all expectant of the Lord to do the immeasurable this summer and come willing to be used in whatever ways He asks of us!

Chelsea Boyd
Hey! My name is Chelsea Boyd. I'm originally from Oklahoma City. I just graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in education. I also recently got engaged and will be getting married next year. My fiancé is a student at OSU, so I'll be moving to Oklahoma in the fall and teaching 6th grade math in Guthrie, OK. I am so excited to be learning and serving at Mercy Street this summer! I want to learn about loving the people where you live and invest my life this summer in some of the students and families of this community. Stay tuned as we keep this blog updated with stories of God's faithfulness!

Noemi Gonzalez
Hello everyone! My name is Noemi Gonzalez and I am from Houston, Texas. I attend the University of Houston and will be a junior in the fall. Go Coogs! I am a Human Development and Family Studies major. I am interning at Mercy Street this summer and am the social media coordinator. I am so happy that God graciously gave me this opportunity and that I am able to serve Him in this way. I am excited to embark on this journey of spiritual growth and serving in the inner city. Hopefully this experience will allow me to see the plans God has for my future.

Brittany Blomstedt
Hey y’all! My name is Brittany Blomstedt. I was born in The Woodlands, TX, but grew up in College Station, TX. I just graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Elementary Education. Starting this August, I will be a 2nd grade teacher at Greens Prairie Elementary School in College Station. I am so thrilled to be at Mercy Street this summer! Here at Mercy Street I will be serving as the Super Monday’s Coordinator. Basically I will be overseeing all 4 of the sites where our outreach children’s ministry will take place. I am so excited to be living in the community of West Dallas this summer as I believe this is a community where the Lord is most definitely at work! I can’t wait to learn from the Mercy Street staff, the other interns, the children, and the families as we dive into life together! I know God has big, big things in store!

Laura Alcantar
Hello! My name is Laura Alcantar and I am a student at El Centro Junior college in Down Town Dallas. I am studying to get my associates in science to later transfer to a four year university and get my bachelors in Biology. I am from West Dallas and this is my third year as an intern at Mercy Street and first as a Senior Intern. I will be a site leader at Lakeview apartments. I am so excited to play a role as a leader this summer for the girls in my community and can't wait to see what The Lord has in store for us!

Susanna Carlson
Hi everyone! My name is Susanna Carlson and I am a junior studying elementary education at Texas A&M University. I am a Dallas native and so excited to be spending my summer here in West Dallas. Specifically within my role as a Sr. Intern, I will be coordinating the Leadership Institute's garage sale (scheduled for August 2nd - mark your calendars!). During this summer I hope to learn more about what urban ministry looks like, lead the Jr. Interns to wholeheartedly pursue Christ, and above all, bring glory to my Lord.  I am looking forward to the coming weeks and cannot wait to see what God has planned!

Rachel Anderson
Hi my name is Rachel Anderson, I am twenty years old and from Northern Ireland where I am completing a theology degree in the Irish Baptist Bible college. This summer I will be a Senior Intern at Mercy Street with the hope to empower and train up young people from the community to become Godly leaders who lovingly serve The Lord in West Dallas. I will also be a site leader at King Bridge, which includes the overseeing of various activities, and programs that will occur in that area.
So far I have learnt a lot in my adventure to Mercy Street. God is using ordinary people to do extraordinary things through simple acts of selfless love. I have been so inspired by the love that Mercy Street has for it's community and to have been given the chance to be apart of their lives has so far been an amazing, refreshing experience. TRULY pumped to see how our wonderful God will use His people, this summer to glorify His name!

Stephen Painter
"You shall love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37b-39 ESV). As a Mercy Street senior intern and, more importantly, an ambassador for Christ, Jesus just gave me, Stephen Painter, my #1  and #2 goals for this summer. Thankfully, by God's grace, I am a 19 year old from Tomball Texas who has been brought up immersed in the Scriptures, given a broken heart to serve God faithfully at the age of 15, given the opportunity to serve God as a Communication major at Texas A&M University, and given the awesome privilege of serving Him here in West Dallas with Mercy Street this summer. Lord willing, my work here will consist of primarily discipling junior interns (high school disciples from the area) and coordinating a summer program for children at Villa Creek Apartments right here at our doorstep. This opportunity is one that I am eternally grateful for and would appreciate prayer over. God's plan is unfolding and I can't thank Him enough for the part He has given us in that! To Him be the glory forever and ever!

Timothy Thomas

Hello! My name is Tim and I am a first year student at CFNI. I am from West Dallas born and raised in the community. This will be my fourth year working with Mercy Street during the summer, but my first year working as a senior intern. I am currently completing my Associate Degree at El Centro while also earning my degree in Inner City Youth Ministry. This summer I am the site coordinator for The Hampton apartment complex. I am super excited to be a leader and to invest in younger adults as Mercy Street has done for me. The Lord is doing great things in our community this summer and  I have front row seats! Until next "Peace on the Middle East!"

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