Friday, June 13, 2014

Preparations, Plans, and Prayer
by Drew Salada

The third week of the internship is in the books, and we're now ready for the high school students that we're working with (the junior interns) to start coming!  It was a busy week to say the least, as all of the senior interns were working hard to prepare the programming for this summer.  Here are some of the details about the stuff that we will be doing with the junior interns throughout the summer.

     Every morning we will have the opportunity to spend time with our "huddle groups" - a couple senior interns plus six to ten junior interns, single-gender - so that we can pray for each other, go over Biblical devotionals, and otherwise just connect and fellowship.

     On Monday afternoons, we will participate in what we call "Super Mondays," where the junior interns lead a Sunday school-type lesson for children in local apartment complexes.  This takes the form of games, music, Bible story skits, Scripture memorization, and small group sessions.  What a great way to reach out further into the community, while also giving the junior interns the leadership responsibility!  I'm so excited to get going with Super Mondays.

      Tuesday afternoons will be field trip days . . . I don't know exactly where we will be going each week, but they will be both fun and informational!  Rumor has it a trip to Texas A&M is in the works (WHOOP).

     Wednesday afternoons will be our service days.  We are partnering with eight (!) different ministries in the West Dallas area to serve and bless them however we can.  Part of the mission of Mercy Street is to equip the young people of West Dallas to lead Biblically.  Such a huge component of Biblical leadership is servanthood.  Wednesday service days actively equip the junior interns to humbly serve and lead in the community, following in the example of Christ.  Mark 10:45 says: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  My prayer is that the junior interns would take this lesson to heart through their service on Wednesdays, giving themselves sacrificially to the ministries they serve with.

     Thursdays are dedicated to theology.  Part of raising up a generation of Biblical leaders is heightening their Biblical theology.  We believe that it is so very important that the junior interns experience this time, for if they serve and lead, but do not understand why they are serving and leading, than how can they consciously glorify God?  How can Christ's name be made known?  Colossians 3:23 makes this absolutely transparent: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."  Our time this summer must be for the Lord, not merely service "just because" - and it is of the utmost importance that the junior interns learn this and connect with God.

     On Fridays, the junior interns do not come to Mercy Street.  It is a short day for the senior interns as well, a time for us to fellowship and spend time with the Lord, make plans for the following week, and meet with our supervisors to pray together.

     Whew.  That's a rough idea of what our weeks will look like.  Long days are ahead to be certain, but I couldn't be more excited.  We will be stretched, we will be worn out, and we will be drained, but in everything we will fix our eyes on Christ and run the good race (Isaiah 41:10 is optimistic).

Until next time, God Bless!

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