Monday, June 23, 2014

We're Leaving
by Stephen Painter

            We're leaving. Even having just arrived, we are quickly going away. We potentially have only the rest of summer at Mercy Street. We certainly have only a short life before we leave to stand before God accountable for our actions. The former is rapidly approaching and the latter could happen at any moment. With this in mind, I am ecstatic to tell of the amazing work being done in West Dallas right now.
             We are now two weeks into our journey alongside the junior interns. Coming into the internship, I willingly admit that I was skeptical of how effectively we could disciple high school students in only a little over two months time. However, I have been blown away by the picture of discipleship that has begun to develop between the senior interns and the junior interns. I find it an interesting dynamic that each of the junior interns are unique in the spiritual nourishment they need. Some are only infants in their faith while others are surprisingly mature spiritually. Yet in the midst of this dynamic, it is obvious that there are significant relationships developing between many of the senior interns and junior interns. For example, this last week we began to implement a reward system for junior interns out of every huddle group that have displayed zeal in their learning, teaching, and/or serving. These awards are called Troll-phy's because they are certificates with a troll in the background (clever, right?). Within my own huddle group, I have found that rewarding the guys for what they have done right really fosters a stronger relationship between us and inspires in them a desire for deeper growth. Dunta Gaffney received the reward in my huddle group for his great questions last week. By encouraging him when he asks good questions, his curiosity has seemingly skyrocketed, which in turn has created many an opportunity to disciple him. He is one of many students who have already proved that they are willing to be discipled and excited to be transformed by the love of Christ. In light of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20), I am beyond excited about the discipleship I've begun to witness. This has been evident in many of our activities this past week.
            By God's grace, we have been greatly blessed in our work. Super Monday, which is the junior interns primary ministry, was a massive success! This really surprised me. I say this because four of the four apartment sites that we minister to had absolutely no kids there when we arrived. In other words, it was like we went to any typical day at a VBS, but no kids were there. Again, by God's grace, each site was able to adapt by sending people out to gather kids that were in the area.  I truly believe this was a great opportunity for both us and the junior interns to learn how to adapt to unexpected situations. Each site was able to pull off games and a skit, and more importantly, each site was able to establish a great first impression with those living in the community. Following Super Monday, we were able to rest up before our upcoming week of adventures.
            Truly, the rest of the week was filled blessings from our Papa. My personal favorite weekly meeting is the theology session on Tuesday's with Pr. Jerry Wagner from Mercy Street Church. This past Tuesday, he discussed the communicable character of God and made it easy to understand in both a simple and enlightening way. Tuesday's are also our exposure trip days. We visited an urban farm in Bonton, which is in South Dallas. They are ministering to a community, deemed a food desert by the USDA, by providing homegrown food. Never before did I expect to enjoy watching a group of people feeding chickens as much as I did the junior interns! On Wednesday, we went back to our service organizations. This is our opportunity to partner with other organizations in West Dallas who are also here to "do some good in the hood" as Carlton likes to say. This was the highlight of the week for one of the junior interns in my huddle group. He has the opportunity to serve by teaching sports to second graders. Already having a passion for sports himself, this was a perfect fit for him in service. Thursday was a great conclusion to the week. In the afternoon, the junior interns go to electives that they selected when signing up for the internship. These electives consist of business tech, hip hop and rap, dancing, creativity, and the bike shop. As the senior intern monitoring the bike shop, I can legitimately say that I look forward to this time every week now. We have the opportunity to learn the basic mechanics of bicycles from Terell Duncan, a junior intern that has worked in the bike shop for five years now, and follow the lesson up with a beautiful bike ride. After electives, we planned out Super Monday for the next week and finished the day. Entirely satisfied with the outcome of week number two with the junior interns, the only thing to do is thank God for blessing His ministry so immensely.
            Ministering to West Dallas is a process. Discipleship is a process. The Holy Spirit convicting us and sanctifying us is a process. Brittany has wisely observed and noted that as senior interns, "We are a small part of their process" of growth. Carlton recently exhorted the senior interns with Ephesians 5:15-16, which reads:

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil.

We are not promised tomorrow, or even the next breath. We're leaving very soon. Whether Jesus comes back or the time arrives for us to leave and go elsewhere, time is of the essence. My hope and prayer is that all of us would have a mind set towards eternity in heaven, and that we would reflect that in how we live. I pray that for you, me, the people God has placed in our lives, and those at the ends of the earth. In Jesus' famous high priestly prayer, he prayed, "I have glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do" (John 17:4). Let that be our prayer when our time is up. Thanks be to God, and to Him be the glory forever!

"The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen." - 2 Timothy 4:22

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